For those of you who asked for more of "The Grave", here it goes. I'm glad you liked it. Here comes more:

Chapter 1 - The Grave (Relena)

Chapter 2 - The Grave (Quatre)

Chapter 3 - The Grave (Heero)


Disclaimer: I don't own them and they don't own me. So were even.


The Grave



by: Selena Barton



It had been almost a month since Relena's last visit. Tention between the colonies and earth was keeping her very busy. She knew that this was going to be the only day she'd have time to make her trip. Quatre had, as always, agreed to be her escort.


"Heero, I know I've been gone for a long time. I've been so busy." She was crying. The stress she was under was hard on her and she missed him so much. Heero stood in the shadows, as before, listening to her. This was the first time she had cried at his grave since the end of the first six months after the incident.


"Heero, they all want so much from me. I can't do everything, but they expect me to. They want me to make everything perfect and I can't even get my own life right. I love you! I can't go on without you. Everything is going back to the way it was and another war is coming if I can't settle this tension.


Why did you have to kill yourself Heero!? You should be here with me. I should be allowed to love the only man I have ever loved! You took that away from me Heero! You took you away from me!"


Heero watched as a great pain struck him. The loss was hitting him harder than ever. She was standing there, crying for him and cursing him. He finally couldn't watch this seen anymore. He stayed hidden, but he wasn't going to let her go unanswered any longer.


"Why Heero? Why did you leave me?"


"Your safety was at stake. I couldn't let you suffer, so I had to protect you. That was the only way."






"Where are you?"


"Near. I am always near."


"What happened Heero? I saw Zero self-destruct and come crashing into the ocean."


"If I had not self-destructed, the rebels would have destroyed the city before I could have stopped them all. It was safer to destroy us all out there."


"You could have defeated them before they got to shore. I know that isn't right Heero."


Heero didn't answer.


"Heero? Please don't go again. I love you." Relena said crying harder than before.


"And I love you." Heero said as he stepped up behind her and put his arms around her.


"Heero?" she said, her voice almost gone.


"Yes Relena."


"Where have you been?"


"I've been hiding in the shadows for the past five years, watching and waiting."


"Trowa knew didn't he?"


"Yes, I made him promise not to tell you, so you wouldn't go looking for me."


"I should be furious with you, but I missed you too much. I'm too glad to have you back." She had turned around by now and was facing him still wrapped in his arms.


Heero's Persian blue eyes pierced her heart. Those eyes were full of passion and love. Relena was caught in his gaze.


Quatre stood down by the gate watching. He knew it was Heero. He just waited quietly. 'Finally, Heero, you can tell her how you feel and have a second chance. Just don't hurt her again.'


Heero's lips met Relena's in a passionate, long over-due kiss. His warm embrace making her melt, she relaxed in his arms. When the kiss was broken off, both were happy.


"Heero, promise you won't leave me again."




"I love you, Heero Yuy!"


"I love you, Relena." He replied.


"Just explain one thing to me Heero. Why did you really self-destruct and hide for five years?"


"A powerful rebel organization. I had hacked into the system to get details for Preventers, but I found a mission to destroy me. They were going to destroy everyone that I cared about starting with you and the other pilots. I couldn't allow that to happen. I sent all the data except for my assassination to Preventers. Then I staged my death to protect you and the others."


"Heero, you never cease to amaze me!"


Heero escorted Relena down the hill to the gates where Quatre stood.


"Mind if I take your place?" Heero asked Quatre with a wink.


"No, I'd be honored." Quatre reached out and put his arm around Heero's shoulders giving him a hug. He knew Heero wasn't one for outward expressions of emotions, but he was so Heero was going to have to deal with it this time. "We all missed you."


"I missed everyone too. Even Duo." Heero added with a shiver.


Quatre opened the door of the limo, and Heero helped Relena into the limo. Heero climbed in beside Relena. Quatre shut the door, walked around to the other side of the limo, and climbed in on the other side of Relena. The limo pulled away from the cemetery for the last time in the beautiful sunset.




Okay, this is my first fanfic, technically since it is still part of the last two. So please no flames, but all constructive criticism is welcome. Just send it to I hope that everyone enjoyed this ending chapter. I know that it doesn't say a lot about what happened to start this five-year journey to the grave, but I didn't feel that it was necessary to go into great detail. Quatre fans, I love Quatre too, but it just didn't seem right to have Quatre get Relena. Heero has her heart all through the show, so I'm rather fond of that match.