AN: O.K. This is my attempt on a fluff ^-^. I am usually doing humor or action so it won't surprise me in the least if I let a little of each slip into this. As far as flames go I can only say this: I like it, it burns. If you say that phrase really fast it is funny. N E wayz, I hope this turns out O.K.


Living In This Moment


He knew he'd been gone awhile, maybe longer then he should have. But as he crept through the sleeping house he only had his thoughts on one thing.

"Relena" he whispered to himself. Quickly his gaze outlined the dark hall way searching intently for any intruder that might have heard him. Satisfied that he traveled unwatched he slipped up the stairs and onto the landing without a single sound. He let his memory lead him as he walked through the house. Stopping at the door belonging to Relena he pressed his ear against it and listened for any sound that might penetrate the silence What he heard made his heart leap into his chest. It was a muffled sound of struggling.

Without hesitation Heero picked the lock on the door and stepped in with his gun  in hand. He peered through the darkness to see Relena tossed off her bed and intangled within the covers. She was kicking her feet in the air wildly and mumbling. He realized she was having a nightmare. He walked over to her and gently and stared at her longingly. She was luminated in a pool of moon light making her appear even more fragile and beautiful then he remembered. He gently lifted her in his arms and placed her on her bed. She stirred slightly as the corners of her mouth turned up.

"Heero," she breathed his name, but she was still in deep sleep. Heero stepped back and leaned against the wall not really wanting to leave her. So instead he looked at her room noticing the changes that had been made since his last visit. In the far corner stood a dark oak dresser with odd assortments scattered across it along with books and photos, where there had once been a large cluster of stuffed animals. Lining her walls were pictures of close friends and achievements she had made in school, instead of the boy band posters that had been there before. He glanced back at her on her bed. The bed still had pink sheets with ruffles adding the little girl accent to the room.

One thing in the room however caused him to glance twice. But sure it enough it was there, on a small night side table sat a worn teddy bear, and balanced between its paws was a blurry image of him. He took careful notice of the picture but couldn't quite place from where it came from.

He glanced out the window and noticed the moon dipping into the horizon. Reluctantly he turned to leave, taking extra caution to relock her door.



Relena woke up at 4:00am to a banging from next door. 'This is Saterday, no one should be allowed to wake up before 10:00am,' she told herself. Groaning she pulled her pillow over her ears stifling the sound but not erasing it. She should've know the Gundam pilots wouldn't sleep in. She had invited them all along with the mutual friends they shared. She smirked half heartedly remembering Sally dragging a frowning Wufei to her door. Duo on the other hand had been towing a Hilde along with his usual cheerful disposition. Trowa and Quatro, to no ones surprise, had come with no one. Relena grinned evilly, 'Wait until Dorothy shows up with her friend. Hehe.' She knew Quatro had feelings for Dorothy, he just was to shy and intimidated to ever admit them.

The only one who was missing was Heero. Despite her calling on all of her contacts to search for him he was no where to be found. When she told Duo this he had smiled  and said, 'That's the thing with Heero, he doesn't get found. He finds you. Trust me he'll come if he wants to.' Relena hoped that Duo was right.

No longer able to shut out the banging from the next room, she beat her fists on the wall. The response was that the banging was quieter. "It's no use," she mumbled and staggered out of bed. Dragging herself over to her dresser she ran a comb through her mess of hair and applied a small amount of make-up. She heard a loud knocking at her door and without waiting for an answer in burst Duo. She flung her comb at the pilot and watched as he dogged gracefully.

"I could've been undressed!" she said glaring at the braided pilot. Duo stared at his shoes. "Oh, never mind Duo just don't do that again. Now what was so important it required barging into my room?" she said. Duo looked up with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. "Heero's here, he showed up at the door and Zech's almost shot him. Luckily Noin has convinced him that Heero should be let in." Duo finished his story the gleam in his eye brightening at Relena's delighted face.  Relena Shooed the braided pilot out of her room as she got dressed. Searching the depths of her closet she finally found a pair of jeans and a tank top amongst the numerous dresses and skirts. She dashed by the mirror and glanced over herself to make sure she looked ok.

She ran down the hall ways not wanting to wait a minute longer to see Heero. Because a small part doubted he was there, that part would need to see it to believe it. She wound her way through the hall ways at break neck speed and found herself colliding with something solid. The crash sent her backwards and chances were she would've fallen completely if a strong hand had not pulled her from the fall. Regaining her composer she looked up, ready to appoligize but the  words died on her lips. Standing in front of her was Heero. He looked just as startled as she was. He walked right past her and down the hall way towards... 'Wait a second, where the fuck is he going? The only thing down that hall way is my room!'

Curious she followed behind him slightly. 'Oh please oh please don't let him notice I'm following him,' she silently begged. She wasn't quite sure she could be sneaky enough to pull this off with out him noticing. She kept a good distance behind him until he entered her room. She walked quietly but quickly, she was just going to walk in. After all it was her room and she had every right to go back in there. She would just say (if he asked, which was unlikely) that she forgot something.


When she got there he was in the center of the room, he was just standing there.

"Lost?" she asked him.

"Hardly, you know you really need to work on your following skills. I saw you coming." Heero said.

"Thank you I'll keep that in mind," she said rolling her eyes, "And if you don't mind me asking what the hell are you doing in my room."

"What were you doing following me?"

"I asked you first," Relena said. It was a childish come-back but she had nothing else to say.


"Well?" she demanded.

"Zechs said I could come up and make sure the house was secure."

"You suck at lying."

"Tell you what I'll teach you how to stalk you can teach me how to lie."

"I don't even care why you were really in here just get out!" Relena shouted She was frustrated because he lied to her.

"Yes your highness," he did a mock bow and left. She threw something at the already closed door and it landed with a thud. She got up to see what she had thrown and to put it away. She half smiled half frowned when she saw what it was; the stuffed bear Heero had given her for her birthday. She replaced the Teddy Bear onto her bed side table. Placing the picture between it's paws she began to talk. More to herself then to the Teddy Bear but it helped sort things out.

"You know what? It's been two years since I last saw him. He just left, just like he always does. Huh, you know the funny thing is he always just comes and goes when ever he likes. He hasn't changed a bit either, I can tell. Except for the fact that he has gotten a little sarcastic, he could do with out that," she rolled onto her side and propped her self up so that she was facing the bear. "Here I am rambling on to you as if you could talk. I bet I'm going crazy, you know what I probably am." She paused before she went on "Sometimes I think I love Heero, but then I don't know why because it's just so confusing. Sometimes I think he cares and then I get all upset because I think I'm making things up. You know, seeing things that aren't there." She paused again and then sighed. "I guess I probably do love him, now the only question left is does he love me? Or a better one is does he even like me. Oh, how would you know your just a teddy bear. No worries, no nothing. Want to trade places?" She laughed a little at that and picked up the teddy bear absent mindedly and got up to walk out the door.




Heero had been listening at the door he sighed half heartedly and looked around a bit. He was just about to leave when the door collided with his face.




Relena smirked at Heero as he rubbed his sore head.

"Serves you right for listening in," she said matter of factly.

"I wasn't..." he started but she cut him off.

"Yeah, O.K. Heero what ever you say. Just like you weren't in my room earlier right?"


"I'd be saying more then 'hn...' Heero. I'd be explaining myself," this came from a very unhappy Zechs. Relena backed away slowly, she had seen Zechs get this mad only once. When she had snuck out at one a.m. and gotten really drunk. Let's just say she never EVER wanted to be around Zechs when he was like this. Yeah, so anyway she had her hand on the door handle and was just about to shut the door when...

"Relena AND Heero follow me into my office. Maybe you'd like to explain your selves there.

"Hey I'm not in this house hold I don't have to..."

"Heero I'm on the verge of tearing you into tiny pieces GET IN THERE NOW!"

"Hey don't you think you're over reacting just a little it's not like we DID any thing!" this came from Relena. Relena got a good look at Zech's face.

"Noin!" she shouted before she went inside. Maybe Zech's wife could calm him down because she knew that was the only way she'd live through this. Why was her brother so pissed? I mean so Heero snuck into her room. So what it's not like any thing happened... Of course then it'd be another thing to convince Zechs that nothing happened.

Zechs sat down behind the desk and because the curtains were closed and the room was dark he looked very, very, evil.

"Any one care to explain why you two were both up here for 12 hour, and in Relena's room?" Zechs asked. He gazed down at the very guilty looking teenagers.

"We were..." Relena started but Heero gave her a look that made her stop.

"Why do we have to explain our selves to you?" Heero asked. Zechs pulled out a gun, so did Heero.

"I don't know what you were doing but I'm warning you Heero Yuy stay away from my sister!"

"Or what?" Heero asked standing up. Just then Noin came in the room and shook her head at the sight of Heero and Zech sending daggers at each other through their eyes.

"Ahem..." Noin said trying to get their attention. Only Relena looked up. "Hello? Earth to Zechs and Heero?" Noin almost gaze up but then she thought of something. "Oh my god some one shot Relena!!!" Two heads spun around so fast they must have gotten whip lash.

"That's better, not what's going on here?" Noin asked. She felt like a baby sitter.

"This... thing was up here in Relena's room with Relena for a 12 hour."

"Shut up Zechs," was Heero's only reply.

"They're both acting like self conceited ass holes and I am so God damn sick and tired of it!" Relena said and she stormed out of the room leaving the two pilots confused.

"Happy now?" Noin asked.

"I've never seen Relena get so mad before," Zechs said glaring at Heero.

"Yeah, she looked a lot like you just then," Heero remarked.

"Well it was your fault," Zechs said.

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

"You guys are acting like three year olds! No wonder she went bonkers, I can't stand it either!" Noin yelled. "Now since your acting like children I'm going to treat you like children. Neither of you can leave until you reach a compromise." Noin leaned against the wall.

"Here's your compromise. Heero you leave and never show your face here ever again, and I'll let you live." Zechs said.

"How would you know if I came back?" Heero asked. "You don't even know that I came in here last night. Your security absolutely sucks."

"You little..."

"You know I do have all day, but I suggest you two at least try and work this out. For Relena's sake. I can't see how she deals with either one of you..."

"Hey..." Zechs tried to put in.

"I'm not finished. Zechs alls you do is play the over protected brother she never gets to do any thing. And you Heero haven't been here for two years, don't you think that's a little stressful on her? Then when you do come back you confuse the hell out of her, if I know you that's exactly what you did. You know I've just found the perfect compromise. Zechs lets Relena live her life considering she's almost 18 and Heero, you make up your mind about her right this minute." Noin stopped and folded her arms. She glared at the two pilots for there response.



"I'll take that as a 'yes' Heero. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go talk to her." Noin said. She left closing the door behind her.

"Yuy if you hurt her I swear to god that I will..."

"I get the picture Zechs."


"Relena?" Noin asked tapping lightly on the door.

"Come in," was the muffled response. When Noin entered she found Relena pacing up and down her room. She stopped when Noin stepped in.

"So?" she asked looking at Noin.

"They have come to a compromise."

"Did they kill each other?" Relena asked. Noin chuckled.

"Almost. But they both agreed that Zechs would but out of your business and Heero would make up his mind about his intentions."

"Wow, that's like a win win situation." Relena said amazed.

"Yeah, well I thought I'd just come and tell you so that you can prepare."

"For what?" Relena asked.

"Chances are one by one they'll come in wanting to talk to you."

"Ughhh, sounds like fun," Relena said sarcastically.

"Yes it does. I'm so jealous," Noin said and they both laughed a little. "Well I'll let you get ready. But I suggest you come down after wards you do have other guests."

"Sure thing," Relena said and sat down on her bed as Noin left, trying to figure out who would come in first.

Zechs came in with out knocking and sat next to her on the bed.

"I am sorry for earlier." He said. Relena got up and looked out he window.

"What are you doing?" Zechs asked.

"Well you apologized. So I was just making sure the world wasn't coming to a end." Relena explained. Zechs smiled.

"I have to ask what were you guys doing up here?" Relena rolled her eyes and looked at her brother.

"Having wild and crazy sex." She said. She watched with glee as her brother turned so read she thought he was going to pop.

"Milliardo, I'm just kidding relax." Zechs turned back to his normal color.

"Don't call me that, call me Zechs."

"Fine, but could you leave now Zechs? I have to get ready. I DO have other guests."

"Of course." Zechs said and he left. A small tapping came from Relena's window and she turned around and went next to it.

"Hello Heero. Ever heard of a door?" Relena said unlatching the window. Heero smiled and stepped inside.

"I love you Relena," Heero said. Relena's jaw almost hit the floor.

"Excuse me?" she asked, "I think I'm hearing things. Did you just say...?" she was cut off. Heero stepped forward and kissed her. Relena felt like she was going to burst she  wrapped her hands around his waist and kissed him right back.



5 minutes later

Relena and Heero walked down the stair case holding hands. Duo and the rest of the group was there waiting. All at once the cheer of "Happy Birthday!" was heard.

"Pinch me I'm dreaming, are they actually 'together'?" this remark came from Duo, followed closely by a "Oww Hilde I didn't mean some one actually pinch me!" Wufie smiled at Heero and took a photo remarking to Sally.

"You were right something interesting did happen."

Heero silently made a mental note to locate and burn that camera.


"Happy birthday Relena," Quatro said smiling.

"Thanks," Relena said. Just then the door bell rang. 'I almost forgot! That's Dorothy and her friend!' "Hey Trowa and Quatro follow me please," Relena said earning a quizzical glance from Heero. She smiled as she walked to the door and pulled it open. There in front of her was Dorothy and another girl.

"Hi, I'm so glad you could make it!" Relena said. Trowa and Quatro were cowering behind her.

"Grow up," she whispered to them.

"Hi, Dorothy," Quatro said sheepishly. Relena left them to deal with each other.

The rest of the night was pretty O.K. Heero did find and smash (not burn) Wufei's camera. Quatro warmed up to Dororthy and so now they're going out. Trowa and Dorothy's friend, named Alex, hit it off great. Needless to say Trowa and Alex almost always double date with Quatro and Dorothy. Wufei proposed to Sally, (Yeah this was a HUGE surprise) and so now they are fiancés. Heero and Relena are doing O.K. together, they just are still having trouble with Zechs who has them followed almost every where. But other then that everything turned out just great! Maybe I'll write a chapter two, after all I do have to explain why Relena's door was unlocked when Duo barged in, but Heero had taken extra care to lock it back up. It might explain the previously mentioned events in more detail too.  Until then...



Peace Out