To Protect Until the End Epilogue


Relena smiled at the sight before her. Her lover was sitting on the floor next to a blanket that her eight-month-old son was on. He was currently staring at the diaper that she had shoved in his hands a few moments earlier before he turned to look at her.

"I have no intentions in doing this Relena."

"You're the one that said you wanted to get closer to your son." Relena could see the pained expression in his eyes by her words. She understood what must have passed in his mind. Relena moved off of the chair she was sitting on and moved over to the two males that she loved. "Heero. In my eyes you are Matthews father. You have been by my side throughout my pregnancy. Without your support I'm sure that I wouldn't have been able to pull this off."

Heero reached out and took a hold of Relena's hand. "How much longer are the two of you going to keep this farce of a marriage going?"

"A few more months at the most. We want people to believe that our marriage crumbled because of the distance between us."

"And what about us? How much longer do you think we can pull this off?" Heero gave Relena's hand a squeeze. He didn't want her to think that he was angry about the situation that they were all in. After all it was a plan that both he and Daniel came up with, and Relena agreed to it. 

Relena smiled. "Heero Yuy, are you admitting that you don't have an patience?" 

"Patience? Relena, I have been waiting for sixteen months..." Relena placed her finger on Heero's lips to silence him.

"I know, and you have no idea how much I love you for what you have done. It's just for a while longer. But even after Daniel and I file for divorce I can't just go and announce us to the world."

"I know that." Heero growled at her. "I just want you to be mine Relena."

"Heero." Relena took his face in her hands. "I am yours."

Heero took Relena's hands in his and pulled them away from his face. He stared into her eyes and could see the slight confusion hidden in them. He held her left hand up slightly. "No, as long as this ring is on your finger I'm sharing you."

"Heero I...." Relena had no idea what to say to him. 

Heero got up off of the floor and stared at the baby kicking its legs in the air smiling at everything around him. In his heart he wished that it were his son. Perhaps if he had acted sooner on his feelings it would have been his child that Relena carried and gave birth to. 

It had hurt him deeply when Relena had admitted to him that she was pregnant. He was angry with how careless Relena and Daniel had been. When he had gone to Daniels, the night before Daniel had flown to England, he had wanted to discuss what Daniel was willing to do about the child and Relena. Heero hadn't expected them to wind up talking about marriage between him and Relena. And if they married early enough the baby could be passed off as Heero's. But as they started to discuss the baby more, Daniel didn't want to give up his rights to see his only child. And Heero knew that the lie that would be fed to the public about the paternity of the child would come back to haunt them when he baby got older and didn't resemble his or her 'supposed' father at all.  But in the very end Heero could admit that he was frightened by the idea of being thrown into marriage quickly and becoming a father, so he came up with the plan that Daniel and Relena should continue with their wedding plans, then over time break it off.

"I have some things that I need to do before I go and pick Daniel up a the airport." Heero quietly left the room leaving Relena with her thoughts.


Heero slowly stood from the wall he was leaning against as occupants from the plane started to emerge. As soon as he seen Daniel, Heero's eyes narrowed as he watched Relena's husband flirt with a lady that was walking with him. Both had almost passed him by until Heero shot his hand out and grabbed a hold of Daniel's jacket. 

"He... Heero. What are you doing here?" 

Daniel's face was one of total shock, and Heero almost smirked at the look on his face. "We need to talk." Heero kept his grip on Daniel's jacket and dragged him to go get his luggage. 

"Damn Yuy let go." Daniel pulled back slightly and stumbled backwards when Heero suddenly let go. Glaring at Heero, Daniel straightened himself. "Could you act any more childish?"

"Can you be any more stupid?" 

"What in the hell do you mean by that?"  Daniel's glare lessened when he saw the anger in Heero's eyes flare up even more. Heero remained silent as they waited until they received Daniel's luggage. It wasn't until they finally got into the car that Heero finally tore into him.

"Talking to that woman like that in public is just what the media is hoping to get their hands on. Anyone could have gotten a picture of the two of you, and on tomorrows paper the headlines will be talking about your private rendezvous with you lover."

"Really Heero," Daniel laughed. "It wasn't like that at all. I was just having a friendly conversation with her."

Heero's hands gripped the steering wheel until his fingers were almost a ghostly white. "You know as well as I do that the public feeds off of the media like a plague. It's best not to do anything that can be taken the wrong way. Use your head next time." 

"I'll do what is best for me Heero. Whatever I fuck one of the nurses or some whore off of the street is my business. I already gave up everything that you demanded, but my sex life isn't negotiable. After all why should you and Relena have all the fun?"

"Relena and I don't do anything." Heero growled at Daniel.

"You're kidding?" Daniel stared in shock as Heero looked away from him and started the car. "No wonder you're uptight."

Heero slammed on the gas backing the out of the parking space without looking out for anyone, or thing that could have been behind him. Daniel found himself holding his breath and struggling to get his seatbelt on as the car came to a stop. Heero threw a glance at Daniel before he shifted the car into drive and took off down the parking lot.


Relena made herself comfortable in a chair holding Matthew as she prepared to feed him. She smiled as his chubby fingers moved up to hold the bottle and his eyes stayed on her face as he sucked away. Sighing, Relena looked over her shoulder at the clock on the mantle and started to worry. They were both late.

"Where are your daddies Matthew?"


"Heero slow down the hell down! I didn't mean that comment about you and Relena." Daniel felt like he was going to have a heart attack. Heero was driving at a crazy speed on a winding road that could easily lead to a certain death for the both of them. If Heero were to loose control of the car they could easily crash down to the valley floor to the right of them. 

Heero's reply was to make the car go faster as a straight away appeared before them. 

"You're going to kill us Yuy, then Relena will have no one. Is that what you want?"

"You know what I want." Heero snapped. "I'm tired of waiting."

"Well then you should have married her!" 

"Wrong answer." Heero glared at Daniel. 

"Ok tell you what. Keep you eyes on the road and stop the car then we can talk about this." Daniel pleaded as Heero's glare became more threatening. Daniel swallowed hard and looked ahead of them. His face instantly paled, and he could have sworn he felt his heart stop at the sight before him.

Heero looked back at the road, when Daniel got quiet, just in time to see a semi swerve into their lane as it came around the bend of road in front of them. "Shit." Heero swerved the car just in time to keep them from colliding and slammed on the breaks to keep them from going off of the ledge. The tires tried to catch on the loose gravel of the shoulder, but the car kept sliding.

Daniel closed his eyes and prepared himself for the log drop to their deaths. He didn't even feel the car come to a stop, or open his eyes until he heard Heero mutter 'Damn driver'. When he took notice that they car was barely sitting on the edge, Daniel quickly scrambled out of the car and sat down on the ground staring at the valley. 

Heero quietly followed Daniel and watched him with slight curiosity. After a few moments Daniel looked up at him.

"You bastard, you nearly killed us."

"I knew what I was doing." Was Heero's calm reply.

Daniel stood up to face Heero and glared at him. "If the car would have slid another two inches we would be down on the valley floor somewhere. I have a life and a son that I love."

At the mention of Matthew, Heero tensed up. "You can still wind up down there." Heero threatened.

"You know, you should really consider anger management classes. You're not good at handling situations. And your way of dealing with things is to kill anything that gets in your way of getting what you want. I don't want my child in that type of environment."

Heero grabbed a hold of Daniel and pushed him back toward the ledge. "Don't threaten me. You're no father to the boy."

"Like you're any better." Daniel gasped as Heero pushed him over the ledge. He quickly latched on to Heero's wrists and glanced downward to look at the fall he would take. When he looked back at Heero he smirked. "Don't tell me you're going to prove my point."

Heero growled and yanked Daniel back up. Neither of them spoke or looked at the other as they both cooled their tempers down. After a few moments a envelope was shoved in Heero's face.

"What's this for?"

"It's what you wanted. I already filed." Daniel sneered. "She just needs to read it over and sign. I'm not asking for anything, as was planned."

Heero stared at the envelop before taking it. He couldn't believe after what he just did, Daniel was already one step in front of him. "What about the baby. I won't let you take him from her."

"We'll discuss custody issues later when things are a bit calmer. Right now I would like to see my son."

Heero walked toward the car grasping the envelope tightly. It was what he wanted. He knew that he was ready to be with Relena and the only way to do that was to get Daniel completely out of the picture. 

The ride to Relena's was quiet and uneventful. As soon as they pulled up to the front of estate, the door opened and Relena came out carrying the baby. Heero got out of the car and opened the trunk for Daniel to get his things. 

"Where were the two of you, we were worried? I called the airport and they said your flight came in on time. I thought that maybe something had happened to you both on your way here." Relena asked.

"No, nothing happened. Heero and I just took a drive and talked for awhile." Daniel kissed Relena on the cheek and smiled at the baby as he passed by. Before he got his luggage Daniel looked over at Heero to see a scowl on his face. Daniel smirked and mouthed the words 'For the Press." He quickly grabbed his bags and followed Relena into the estate. Behind him he could hear the trunk of the car slam shut.

Heero kept his eyes glued on Daniel until he disappeared past the entryway. The man was pushing him again now that Relena was around. For some strange reason Daniel felt that Relena could control him. Heero smirked at that thought. The man had a thing coming to him if he kept things up. "Should have just let go." Heero quietly said to himself as he got the envelope from the car and went to find Relena. 

Once he got inside Heero found Relena and Daniel sitting down on the couch next to each other. Daniel was holding Matthew, and in Heero's view of the situation he looked like an idiot making cooing sounds. But despite what Heero thought, Relena obviously was enjoying the father and son interacting as she smiled and laughed at the sight of them.

Heero crossed his arms then leaned against the doorframe and glared at the two of them. This is what he hated the most about Daniels visits, fussing over a baby. He felt as though they were spoiling the child, and that would lead toward problems later in life. After a few more moments of watching the scene that was starting to make him angry, Heero spoke up.

"Relena, we need to talk."

Relena pulled her attention away from Daniel and the baby and smiled at Heero. When she saw the serious look in his eyes and the envelope he held in his hand, she excused herself and left with Heero out into the hallway.

"Heero what's wrong?" Relena placed a hand on his arm.

"He filed." Heero handed her the envelope.

"What?" Relena opened it and started to read the pages over. 

Heero was confused when she left without a word or a smile to him. He had thought that she had wanted this day to come as much as he did. Curiosity hit him and he followed Relena.

Relena stopped next to the couch and held up the paper work. "Why did you do this now? I thought that we were going to wait a little while longer?"

Daniel quit playing with Matthew and looked up at Relena and shrugged. "What difference does it make? Now, later, it all leads to that path."

Relena crossed her arms. "Because I asked you a five months ago for this. And you convinced me that it was for the best that we waited."

Heero stared at Relena in shock. He had never known that Relena had brought the subject up with Daniel. Every time he had asked or tried to push, Relena would always give him the same response. "Now's not the right time Heero."

Daniel glanced at Heero and caught the shocked look on his face. He had always guessed that Heero had pushed Relena into asking for the divorce sooner than planned. But with the look that quickly crossed Heero's face and vanished as quickly as it came, he now knew that his assumption had been wrong. "Well, I decided that now was the right time because..... I've met someone."

"Really?" Relena smiled "Where did you meet her?"

"She's a pediatrician at the Hospital....."

At that point Heero had heard enough and he left the room to check on the security staff. He knew that Relena would be able to handle things on her own, and that she and Daniel would be able to work out the custody issues without him standing there listening to them. 


Heero ended up keeping himself busy into the late hours of the night. On his rounds he had found a malfunction in one of the security displays and took it upon himself to fix it as he sent a guard to watch over the area that would be uncovered. As he was making his way to his room he stopped at Relena's bedroom door, he was curious as to what she and Daniel had talked about. After a few moments of debating wither to knock or to go to his room, Heero left deciding to ask her in the morning. As he headed down the hall he heard Relena's door open and her quiet voice call out to him. 


He stopped and looked to see her standing partway in the hall and immediately tried to hide the slight flush that came to his face when he seen the small low cut nightgown that was just barely coving her. Heero soon found his eyes wandering, taking in what was exposed, and thinking about what wasn't. When Relena's quiet laugher reached him Heero snapped out of his trans and walked over to her.

"Go back to sleep." He pushed her gently back into her room.

"I will, but first I wanted to give you something." Relena held out her hand. 

Heero slowly held his hand out then opened it and felt something drop into the palm of his hand. He looked down and saw Relena's wedding band. Heero knew the meaning behind her giving it to him. She was letting him know that things were settled between her and Daniel and that they could pursue their future together. 

"I want to be completely yours Heero." Relena leaned toward Heero and kissed him lightly on the lips. He reacted slightly and she pulled back and moved a lock of hair out of Heero's eyes to look and see what he was felling at that moment. She could see the mixture of love and lust in his eyes and she lovingly took his face in he hands. "I want you to be completely mine."

"We shouldn't." Heero whispered. 

"I know." Relena replied. "But we waited long enough."

Heero wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him. As soon as she made contact with his body he took her lips in a heated kiss. Heero had no idea how he had been able to keep his hands off of her all these months. He knew that he shouldn't move things beyond where they currently stood until the divorce was finalized. But with everything that had just passed between them, and the countless months of wanting to be more than they were, he could feel himself loosing the battle of reason.

When they broke for air Heero opened his hand and let Relena's wedding band drop to the floor in the hallway. The soft ping could be heard from it hitting the ground as he moved them further into her room. "Are you sure?"

Relena smiled and reached past him and closed her bedroom door on the past. She then took a hold of his hand and led him further into her room, and toward their future together.