Epilogue: Tomorrow

Over the next week, the rain had let up, and today it was nothing more than a light drizzle. On days like this, the Sank Kingdom was truly beautiful, the rain just softly caressing the Earth. The tensions between OZ and the E.S.U.N had thinned; as the days got brighter so did the situation. All the soldiers of the OZ faction were given light sentences; with the death of Whitenburg, there was really no one to blame. The soldiers weren't the ones who instigated Operation ZERO or Vice Foreign Minister Darlian's kidnapping. No, they were all the ideas of one man. Although many believed that his death was a fitting end, some thought that he just escaped punishment by taking the easy route. In the end, he was no longer a part of this world, having passed on to the next. His demise was the signal to the end of what had been deemed the ZERO War; the battle between lost souls, between past and future.

Those who took part in the war were resuming the lives they'd put on hold. Trowa was back at the circus with Catherine and the other troupe members, developing new routines and practicing old ones. The young Winner heir was once again wrapped up in his business, glad to be doing something other than fighting, but missing the excitement all the same. Using his vast amount of resources, he helped the Preventers with missions by providing data that wasn't easily obtained. Speaking of Preventers, Wufei was still giving Sally a hard time - no surprise there - while Duo did the same to him. Heero... well, that's a different matter.

This time around, instead of being destroyed, the Gundams were safely stored away behind many security layers in an underground storage facility. As for the people, they were overjoyed to be able to see Relena Darlian delivering speeches like she always had. To them she was a pillar, a support structure for society and the symbol for balance and peace. Yes, things were definitely looking up, for the people anyways.

Relena's return, to her, was a return to endless stacks of documents, proposals, requests, treaties, and many, many other forms. Although Milliard and Noin had done their best to maintain order in her office, they didn't have the experience to handle her workload. Sometimes at night, the young woman would wake up to find herself still at her desk using a pile of forms as s pillow, a cold cup of coffee next to her, almost empty. Other nights the Vice Foreign Minister would drift off to sleep in her bed, more papers sprawled around her mattress. Her goal to make up for lost time was taking its toll on her; maybe she would've been better off still a soldier for OZ.



The morning was fast approaching noon though it was hard to tell through the cloudy, rain filled sky. Spring showers: you either hate 'em or love 'em. Inside the Preventer building, Relena was getting situated into her new office; Lady Une figured that it would be best if she worked there. The place provided more security since no one would be foolish enough to try and attack her in a building full of Preventer agents, a few being former Gundam pilots. Along with the added protection, Relena would receive extra assistance for her job, something she greatly appreciated. They weren't going to allow her to suffer alone anymore; peace was not a one man/woman job but the responsibility of all those who wished for it. Although the office wasn't as large as her former one located in the Sank Kingdom, it was definitely more 'cozy'. The best part about her new environment was the fact that it was right next to Wufei and Sally's office; their quarrels and humorous bickering was the best form of entertainment one could get.

Satisfied with how the room looked, the girl strolled around her desk and slumped into the soft, cushioned chair; it had been an exhausting morning. Resting her head atop her arms on her desk, her eyelids slowly made their way down. It had been too long since she had had a decent amount of sleep, taking whatever opportunity that arose to catch up on it.//*sigh* I'm getting too old for this. I think that I'll... just rest... for a little... while...// It was now quiet, save for the soft sounds of the air conditioning system and the pit pat of raindrops outside. Minutes elapsed when the office door slowly opened and a shadow entered, taking caution not to be detected. Making its way to the young woman, the intruder reached out a hand towards her head. With lightening quick reflexes, Relena grabbed at the hand, still somewhat half asleep.

"Oi!" Duo screeched in surprise, "How did you do that?! I thought that you'd be back to normal by now."

She blinked several times then gave a quiet laugh, but her melancholy expression was a dead giveaway of the turmoil inside her heart. "I guess... those things will always be a part of me, ne?" Relena gave him another smile and released his hand. "Sorry to sound so gloomy, I haven't had much sleep lately. So, what brings you to my new establishment?"

"Well," he began rubbing his hand and taking a seat in the chair next to him, "I just came to see how you were adjusting to things here? Any problems? I'd be willing to help."

"Come back in a few days, and we'll see what develops," the girl joked, "By the way, have you heard from my brother or Noin? I haven't seen them around lately."

"You don't know?" She shook her head. "They went back to Mars to check on the Terraformation Project. Noin said that it would be a great to see how things were coming along since they left two and a half years ago. She also said something about it being a wonderful vacation opportunity for Zechs. I guess they didn't want to disturb you about it, seeing as how stressed out you already were."

//Why have you disappeared again, brother? Is it me, or do you still have demons of your past to deal with? Although Noin's with you, I can't help but worry... maybe I shouldn't. Do what you have to do, but stay safe and come back to me...// "Well, thanks for telling me, Duo," Relena replied, "but if you'll excuse me, I have to get started with my work."

"Sure, no problem," he grinned widely, getting up and making his way towards the door. "Besides, I gotta help Colonel Une show a new guy around, ja ne." He waved behind him as he exited through the door.

Watching him leave with sad eyes, Relena sighed and shifted in the chair, motionless for several minutes. "So, Heero, think my brother will come back?"

Outside her window, nicely perched on a branch of a nearby tree, back rested against the trunk, getting drenched, the youth gazed into the room and cocked his head to the side. Lowering the gun he drew when Duo entered, he gave her a quick glance then moved his field of vision towards the sky. "Certain events have happened," Heero began in his deep, monotone voice, "He needs to rethink and redefine the things in his life. He'll be back; he cares about you."

"..... Thank you, Heero."



"Why are they always doing this?" Wufei mumbled to himself as he typed his weekly report on his computer. "It's not like we don't have enough work to do."

His partner across the room dropped the file in her hand and laughed; a death glare from his side quickly hushed her. "Give them a break. After all that's happened, we could all use a vacation. Hmmm... you know what? I'll make out a form requesting a little time off for you, Wufei."

The youth's eyes widened, and he protested, "Don't you dare, onna! I don't need rest!"

"Yes you do, Wufie," Duo replied, leaning against the frame of the doorway, "don't think I don't notice those bags under your eyes. Plus, you're much grumpier than you used to be."

"What would you know, baka?" Wufei retorted, "And don't call me that!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha," the American chuckled to himself as he left, "You're one in a million, Wufei."



In another office of the Preventer Headquarters, a tall man stood in front of a desk where a young woman quietly observed him. He wore a white, long sleeved, button-down shirt and nicely pressed black slacks. His reddish blonde hair highlighted his handsome facial features and his stance was very disciplined. Lady Une took another look at him, then back to the portfolio in her hand; he waited patiently, exerting nothing but calmness and obedience.

"Are you sure about this?" the woman arched an eyebrow in his direction. "Considering your past, you won't be able to adapt to the surroundings for quite some time. It's not that I think that you aren't capable, - you could even say that you're a bit overqualified - it's more a matter of trust. You'll be monitored for a time on all actions that you take. Along with that, you won't receive the same degree of freedom around here or on missions as our other agents." She saw him nod a 'yes' in understanding. "I guess there's nothing more I can say... except 'welcome aboard'." At that moment, Duo came into the office, an expectant look on his face. "Maxwell," she turned to look at his form, "I'd like for you to show Mr. Dereks around. He'll be working with us from now on and needs to know the basic structure of this building and its many facilities."

"Gotcha! No problem!" Duo exclaimed with a grin as he opened the door for the other man.

The tall figure turned around and Duo caught a glimpse of something in his bright brown eyes. Dismissing it as sunlight, the young agent began to lead the way. Dereks gave him a smile as he passed by, and, for the first time in years, his heart was light. The former OZ officer sighed in contentment; he was happy.//Look, Anna, Julian, I'm moving on...//





Japanese Words:

(insert name) no baka= (insert name), you idiot

baka= idiot/stupid

bakayaro= stupid bastard

-chan= suffix of endearment used by girls when addressing those closest to them or used by anyone to agitate Wufei^_^

doki= Japanese version of heartbeat sounds

hai= yes

iie= no

ja= ah/oh well/sigh

ja ne= see ya later

kisama= vulgar way of saying ëyouí

kuso= shit

Nataku= the name of a legendary/mythical Chinese warrior

ninmu ryoukai= mission acknowledged

oi= hey

ojousan/'jousan= Miss

omae o korosu= I'll kill you (if you didn't know already)

onna= woman

owari= the end

rei= zero (it has other meanings too, i.e. spirit)

shimatta= damn it

Shinigami= god of death

tamashii= soul


German Words:

alles= everything

Auf Wiedersehen die Ewigkeit= Good-bye forever

es ist Zeit= it is time

es tut mir leid= I am sorry

ich liebe dich= I love you

mein freunde= my friends

mein Gott= my God

scheisse= shit