A Far Away Union, Part 6 by Tomorrow

AN: Okay, this part sets you up for some things later, because it kind of gives you an idea about who that little girl is... but not too much. Please read and e-mail! I hope you like it!

Disclaimers: I don't own Gundam Wing. As if I did.



With majestic poise she walked through the botanical meadow of flowers of species undiscovered. Naked, she was naked as she glided along the reeds, her only protection from piercing eyes a crest of white silk that made an optical of transparent wings of heavenly angels as the sun's rays danced along the garment. It was secured around her neck by a crystal chain, which one could see shimmering in its radiance from a distance. The flora all about created a pallet of paints and hues for artist's rendering, she being able to dip her toes into each shade, giving a different aura of contrast against her skin. The scene around her was gorgeous, and all she could think about was how calm and serene she felt in this field, surrounded by all that it beautiful and perfumed with magnificence. As she ventured further in the grass, she noticed a small figure coming towards her. She tried to turn away, but something, something was keeping her there, for there would be great importance in her seeing the physique of this innocent visitor. Relena's breath became hoarse and wavering, for she could feel a presence of doom cast over her with the approaching footfalls of this delirious apparition. Before she knew it, the figure had halted right in front of her, peering up to her with forsaking eyes.

It was a little girl! Her hair was long and brown as knotted pine, her eyes carrying with them the same splendor of a stormy sea as her own. The eyelashes that shielded her eyes were long and curled perfectly to accent her them. What's more, her hair was pulled into the same braids as Relena's was currently held, and in the child's arms, she bore a dark brown teddy bear with a long, fine red ribbon that conformed to his neck. It's eyes were black, and reflected in their shine the same sentiment which the girl was more than likely feeling within herself. Relena stared at the little lady in awe, barely being able to squeak out, "That's my bear. Who are you, and... where did you get that?"

The child's melancholic face turned into a smirk of mischief as she replied, "I cannot tell you such things miss. This is my one and only friend, and I know that he is mine. He was a friend to another once, but she abandoned him long ago... just like she abandoned me."

"What are you talking about?" Relena questioned as the girl began to examine her out of curiosity.

The child slowly turned from her and began to tell Relena a tale which she had founded to be true on her own.

"Look miss, look at this place. It is full of life, beauty, and goodness in the bloom of the summer. But, eventually, without nature's care, it begins to wither and die, for why should it stay breathlessly wonderful if no one thinks it pretty enough to gaze at, let alone nurture it?" As the girl said this, the air became harsh and chilled, all of the flowers' petals beginning to wilt and fall from their stems, the leaves from the distant trees turning into a mural of gold, orange, and red, decorating the dead grass.

Relena gasped as the seasonal change progressed in front of her, still not understanding exactly what this child was getting at.

"Still, their connection with their Mother Nature keeps them loyal and full of hope, anticipating the return of their buds and seeds, and therefore they struggle to stay alive," she continued. "But, only colder and darker does their world become as time passes. So, what else have they to hang on to? All of her children become sleepy, a precursor to their appending death, writhing away thinking the one which so gratefully gave them life has left them alone to starve and perish."

"Yes, but her dress made of the sun's immortal rays will surely reawaken them soon for spring."

"How do they know that?" the little girl questioned sternly. "They can see no more than what has been shown to them. Unlike you and I, we have seen the year's cycle all the way through and know spring will eventually come again. But you must remember that they are dead, and only their offspring arise from that long winter's plague. It's a cruel circle that never ceases. Her children will never know the love which their mother has for them." Before the little girl could finish, the warm colors that painted the scene just moments ago vanished into the depths of the building paleness of snow. The beautiful flakes sparkled with the little girl's eyes, and Relena's heart sank at seeing how closely this girl resembled the temperament of the icy flurries. The frigid wind bit at Relena's poorly covered body, and she shivered immensely, though the child, in a thin, sleeveless pink dress seemed unfazed.

Relena grabbed the child's shoulder, about to question her of the witchcraft she seemed to be performing, when the child yawned and eyes drooped. The little girl fell to her knees, looked up to Relena and said, "I must sleep now too, for I am unloved and no mercy shall be shown to me." With that, the child's arms became lax around the teddy bear, and she fell into a deep sleep amidst the field. The wind immediately came down and carried the stuffed animal away to the heavens, leaving the poor little thing's body to be covered with the newly fallen snow.

Relena trembled in fear and was about to pick up the girl's lifeless body, when she found herself being lifted from the ground by the wind, soaring among the stars, being blinded by a great light...

"Nooo!" she gasped, springing up from her position in the grass. She looked around the area, noticing nothing out of place, and saw Heero asleep undisturbed still beside her. It... it must have been a dream, but it seemed so... familiar. Relena got up on all fours, once again a unicorn, and began to walk the direction in the way to the stream, hoping a fresh drink of water would calm her nerves. Her crystal spiral reflected the light of the goddess moon, creating somewhat of a torch to guide her through the brush. When she reached the brook, she bent her head down to drink, but before she could lap any up, she heard faint giggles coming from afar. Normally, she wouldn't have been so intrigued, but her dream came back to her, and she just HAD to find out who or WHAT was making such a jubilant din.

She followed the sounds until she could venture no more, for she found herself peering down a great gorge, but the source of the giggles waiting for her on the other side. It would take 'til morning for her to descend and climb the cliff, and she didn't have time for that-the sun would be rising soon.

"Come along, come on over!" the little girl shouted to the mare in great delight. Relena looked at her with confusion, not understanding what this child wanted from her.

"Don't worry, you won't fall. Just walk across like you would on stable ground."

Now, Relena was no fool, and she knew that such an idea was preposterous, but her legs moved without her consent. She used all of her will to try and stop herself, but to no avail, and she found herself treading across the ravine along a spectrum of rainbow bliss. When she reached the other side, the light from her antler illuminated the little girl's features, and she almost jumped back out of disbelief. It was the same girl as in her dream!

Before Relena could ask her any questions, the child said, "Yes, I am the one in your dream. Please don't be frightened. Stay with me as I fall asleep tonight."

Relena was baffled. How did she know what she was thinking? Why did she need a companion to protect her... she seemed to have plenty of sorcery which could help her in that respect? But as the little girl's eyes welled up with tears, Relena found herself not possibly able to say no. So, she held the child in her front legs, letting the warmth of her body keep the child safe from harm and nightmares. Just as they had settled down, the little girl whispered, "Thank you miss, perhaps I misjudged what you..." but Relena heard no more, for she was sound asleep.

"Relena!" she heard a gruff voice call her. "What are you doing here? I thought you were killed! I've been searching for you all morning!"

"I'm sorry Heero," she replied sleepily, "but this little girls asked me to..." But when she went to stir the child, she was gone, not even an indention in the ground where she would have lain.

"Come on." Heero hoisted her up roughly. "You can tell me about it as we walk, because I'm interested in this 'girl' that you mentioned, but we have to get moving if we're ever going to get out of these woods...




AN: Now Relena had met the little girl too! But, what was the little girl talking about? What IS the deal with her? And could this dream have possibly been a glimpse for something more to come? You'll just have to read on to find out. Thank you everyone, and please read and e-mail. It only take five seconds, so if you like the story, take that little time out to tell me that you do. Bye!!!