The Perfect Soldier : Heero Yuy



Occupation: Pilot of Unit 01 and later Wing Zero  (also takes Epyon out for a spin!);

Age: 15 in series, 16 in movie
Place of Birth: ?

Place of Origin: L1 Colony (?)
Family: Dr. J (as of now)
Height: 156cm
Weight: 45kg
Eyes: Prussian Blue
Hair:Dark Brown
Special Feature: Slender, and according to original planning and descriptions, sometimes mistaken for a girl.
Special Ability: Strong destructive tendency.

Personality: Quiet and at times will refuse people's care with rudeness.


The erstwhile human killing machine, known to the world by the code name Heero Yuy, has mellowed a tiny bit since the great war of AC 195. Still, he keeps a close eye on current events, scanning the computer nets for signs of trouble and watching over Relena from afar. When Relena falls into the hands of the Mariemeia Army, he immediately rushes to her aid.


Secret History

Unlike some of the his comrades, Heero was intentionally selected and trained for the role of a Gundam pilot. In an Endless Waltz flashback, the audience have a glimpse into how Heero was molded into the ruthless killer we saw at the start of the TV series. When a training mission went awry and resulted in innocent casualties, Heero's grief was seen as a sign of weakness. Dekim Barton, mastermind of Operation Meteor, ordered Doctor J to re-train the lad to eliminate these human failings.


What His Name Means

Presumably the "hee" part is Japanese for "one" and the "yuy" is a connotation for "yui" which means "only". You can also put the two together and see it as "The One and Only". Also "Odin" (his previous alias name) is Russian for "one".



"Omae o korusu (I will kill you)"
"Mission Accomplished."
"It's a pleasure."
"Then I have just one piece of advice for you. Dying hurts like hell."
"I'll kill Zechs. That will be my way of showing thanks."
"Stop it, stop it, stop it! Shut up Epyon!"
"I've been lost my whole life."
"You're going to self destruct? That's not a bad plan either..."
"I kill crazy people."
"Relena has been kidnapped."
"I'm not a pacifist."
"Life is cheap, especially mine."
"What a miserable mission. I screwed up. I TOTALLY SCREWED UP!"
"Everyone and everything that fights is my enemy!"
"Peace is nothing but a result of war."
"Relena is getting lost in her ideals"
"Of course I can do it. I'm a Gundam pilot, aren't I?"
"What the hell am I doing?!"
"What's wrong with me?!"
"Quatre, I'm going to kill you."
"Where...are my my enemies?"
"Treize, I...have no right."
"The people who try to kill me, and the people who fight against me, are my enemies."
"Where are my enemies?!"
"Quatre, I can see my enemies clearly now. If you become my enemy, I'll kill you."
"I think they like you better."
"Do as you like, it's your country."
"Quatre, we're not wrong."
"Damn, I don't care when I die."
"Believe in me, Relena."
"You're in over your head. Say goodbye."
"I'll make the pain go away."
"I will destroy everything."
"Relena lives in her dreams."
"If she dies, the World Nation and this false peace will disappear. Relena, I'll kill you."
"Don't complain. Try to get well soon."
"This guy named Duo Maxwell is just like Relena. They're just annoyances keeping me from my duty."
"I came here to destroy you. I hadn't got around to thinking about escape yet."
"This time I'm going to defeat him no matter what it takes."
"Can't you shut up for a while?"
(Not Sure about this one) "I'm so cold...Relena...I don't want to be cold anymore."
"The Complete Peace Principal is the peoples hope. People cannot live without hope."
"There are no survivors."
"I promised that I would protect you. The only path to protect you and Earth is for me to fight."
"Hey Zechs! Zero is telling me that you have no future. Is Epyon telling you the same thing?"

