Dove of Peace: Relena Darlian



Status: Civilian - student, Princess Relena of the Cinq Kingdom, Queen of the World. Vice Foreign Minister.

Real name: Relena Peacecraft
Age: 15 in series, 16 in movie
Sex: Female
Ethnicity: Northern European
Origin: Cinq Kingdom
Family: Milliardo Peacecraft(Zechs Merquise), adoptive mother.
Height: 154cm
Weight: 38kg
Eyecolour: Sky Blue
Haircolour: Light Brown


Raised by the Darlian family, Relena's true identity was the princess of Sank Kingdom. She had an older brother who had gone by the pseudonym of Zechs and had been protected in the dark by him.

Due to her environment, Relena was raised to be mature beyond her years even though at times she would expressed dissatisfaction toward her own environment. She later on became the queen of Sank Kingdom and worked hard for the sake of peace, despite the fact that she had to go against the wishes of the Romefellar Foundations as a result.

She has very deep convictions. She has a determined, stubborn personality which comes across a bit strong in the beginning of the series. Once she becomes the ruler of the Cinq kingdom she works very hard for peace and becomes a  symbol of peace to many people, including Heero.


What Peacecraft Means

Relena's real last name. Also the surname of the royal family of Cinq Kingdom, who treasured the ideal of absolute pacifism. The name can be separated into two parts: Peace + Craft. It can be interpreted as the ways to peace.



"Heeeeeero! I am right here so come and kill me."
"You are very mistaken, and the Gundams will soon come to rectify your mistakes."
"Don't die on me!"
"Someday I'm going to find out what gives everyone the urge to fight."
"Dictators are the only ones who sacrifice their lives in order to achieve peace."
"Let me stay by you a little longer. I want to be strong, like you."
"Grandfather, roses just don't look good on me either. I'd look better soaked in the blood of OZ!"
"Heero, promise me you won't disappear without telling me."
"Father, please don't laugh. But even now, I can hear Heero's voice."
"Heero! Hurry up and come back to me!"
"So, Heero must be alive after all, right?"
"My name is Relena Darlian...And you are?
"A boy with secrets... With so many secrets... And I know too much...? That's why... I'm going to be killed?"
"That's no reason for killing people. If there was such a reason, that would be just an excuse to enjoy killing. Dying like mad in war is the honest way of human beings."
"I don't believe anyone is stupid in this world."
"Heero, why are you willing to stay in my country? Before, you would leave for battle straight away, no matter how much I tried to stop you. You went back to space, but your home was not kind to you. It must have been hard, yet you never stopped fighting. Those stern eyes haven't changed since I first met you."
"Heero will not lose."
"Yes, humans fight. But that doesn't mean it's right. I believe people can choose a path to peace without fighting."
"Peace is not something that comes out of war!"

